Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hosting Finder

Canadian hosting finder -

From thousands of web hosting providers available on the market our Q&A website will try to provide useful informations that will help you to make an acurate decision regarding your web hosting needs.

Finding a hosting provider in Canada can be confusing and time consuming. website goal is to provide a platform where users can ask questions and find answers about hosting providers and their hosting packages.

Ask or find a hosting related question right NOW

Canadian hosting finder

Sunday, April 17, 2011

We can provide a wide range of photographic services to our clients

With many years of experience and expertise in commercial / industrial photography we can provide a wide range of photographic services to clients. This includes going on-site to photograph products, equipment, buildings and work sites at any time under almost any conditions, night or day. We have done photography for Coal Mines, the Oil & Gas sector and other companies in such diverse fields as Real Estate, Architecture, Transportation, Construction and others.

We offer state-of-the-art image processing services using the most advanced tools available. We get the most out of any photos by using techniques such as cropping, varying contrast, enhancing colours, changing colour relationships, sharpening and generally enhancing photos so your website or brochure looks the most professional possible.

So if you don't have the images for your web site or brochure, we can produce them in professional and timely fashion either from our stock photo catalog or by going onsite and shooting them. Also have a look at videography for websites – web pages as videos.


Oil & Gas:


City Scapes:


Solar & Wind:



Lakes & Marine:


Travel & Leisure:

(587) 333 - 4WEB (4932)

What a good website should do for your business?

Most business people seem to think that a website essentially acts like a 24/7 sales person … well, they are right and like sales staff, some are better at it than others (and many are quite abysmal).   It does that and performs a few other services that many people probably aren't aware of.

It starts with the idea that a graphically well designed site should look very pleasing and provide its company with a refined, sophisticated and admired image. 

So, if the site looks crappy, it makes the company look crappy.

Next, the site should be a source of information about the products and / or services the company offers.  That may seem self explanatory but have a look at many sites and you'll not find the specific technical data you're looking for.  So, put that info out there on a public or private (limited to certain customers) basis and people will come looking for it. 

That's called traffic and traffic on your site means sales in the door.

Then there are sales.  Sure you want that site to magically grab visitors and turn them into customers … just like that.  The phone will ring off the hook – lovely thought that.   Unfortunately it's not the reality for many companies.  Instead think of the website more like a sales assistant who's constantly on standby.  It works like that when your sales staff is on the phone with a (potential) customer who will be asking questions about specific products or services.  It's always quite impressive when your sale rep can say: "please go to our and in the products section you will find complete specs, write-up and photos  of  the product and also in downloadable Pdf format".  And you can discuss it while on the phone and your customer is reading info and looking at photos.

Now that's what closes sales !

(587) 333 - 4WEB (4932)

These photos are the…pits in web design

So when building websites one the important things is to have photos, images, diagrams, etc.  The problem so often is with the photos as supplied by clients.  In this day and age everybody thinks themselves to be expert photographers.  How can you fail with all the fancy digital, automatic everything cameras.  Aim in the general direction, shoot and presto we have a perfect web photo.  If only it was that easy.

The problem with lots of folks is that they don't know the first thing about good photography and what impact it will have on their website.  The photos we get from clients are often woefully bad.  I mean, why would someone spend thousands on a classy new website only to load it up with horribly inadequate photography ?  Well, we see it all the time.

This article is not meant to provide lessons on the finer points of web photography but I would like to urge people in charge of the website for their company to very seriously consider hiring a professional  to provide high quality web photography / videography for their high quality website.  Remember, on the web all visitors know about a company is what they see on their website … and first impressions are lasting ones.

(587) 333 - 4WEB (4932)

What does the the IT guy have to do with web design?

So as a web developer, here's one of my (admittedly many) pet peeves … and it's 2-fold.  First, why are they called IT – Information Technologies – at all ?  Really, if you think about, Computer Hardware & SoftwareSupport is far more accurate.  So we should refer to them as CHSS guys (or girls).  Website designers and creators would more accurately referred to as IT people – we really do deal in Information Technologies.

And here is the second part of it.  Quite regularly, when we meet with clients for a web project, they insist on involving the "IT guy".  Even worse, some companies (they shall remain nameless but know who they are) actually use their IT staff to build and maintain websites.  I mean, that's like getting the structural engineer to do interior design.  He may be a very good engineer but what does he know about interior design ?  Answer: essentially nothing.  And so the result is quite predictable: poor.

For those who would take issue with my reasoning, image this:  the company needs to upgrade / install a new server and calls in the IT guy.  To the big surprise of the IT guy the boss has also brought in the web designers so they can vet everything the IT team plans to do.  Make any sense ?  No ?  Exactly, and that's my point.

Calgary web design
(587) 333 - 4WEB (4932)

Spend a little money on Calgary web design?

Ok, so there's something wrong with the ROI (Return on Investment) of your website…It just doesn't seem to do much for the company. But how much did you spend on it ?  When was the last time it was updated or re-designed? Who built it: the receptionist, the office manager, the IT guy, your son, your daughter?

Well it's really quite simple: you have to spend money to make money (but not necessarily huge sums) and you have to spend it where it counts.  This means you should hire a professional company like CanadaWeb Inc. to set you up with a professional internet presence. Notice that I called it an internet presence and not a website because there's so much more to it than just the website.

Call us to explain this in more detail…and that consultation would be free ;-)

(587) 333 - 4WEB (4932)

Web sites work much better on a fast, dedicated server

CanadaWeb Inc. offers complete, professional Web Hosting capabilities. If you do not see a hosting package that suits your needs Contact Us to discuss designing a custom package that is right for you. We can also provide you with DNS or E-Mail hosting only.

To other smaller hosting providers: CanadaWeb Inc. is currently expanding it's hosting operations.  We would be very interested to buy your hosting clientele at a fair price.  Please Contact Us.

Thank You, VT
(587) 333 - 4WEB (4932)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Your Calgary Web Design Experience Starts HERE

Using our Calgary web design services you will have full control over your website. Forget about paying monthly fees to webmasters for changes.

Get full control of your website without paying extra money over and over again to webmasters!

WYK web Solutions provides professional web solutions based on a dynamic content management system in Calgary and Province of Alberta using Joomla! and WordPress

A content management system is a web software that keeps track of every piece of content on your Web site, much like your local public library keeps track of books and stores them. Content can be simple text, photos, music, video, documents, or just about anything you can think of. A major advantage of using a CMS is that it requires almost no technical skill or knowledge to manage. Since the CMS manages all your content, you don't have to.

Where are our web solutions used:

  • Corporate Web sites or portals
  • Corporate intranets and extranets
  • Online magazines, newspapers, and publications
  • E-commerce and online reservations
  • Government applications
  • Small business Web sites
  • Non-profit and organizational Web sites
  • Community-based portals
  • School and church Web sites
  • Personal or family homepages

Call for free estimate 24/7 @ 587 - 333 - 4WEB (4932)
Skype MeT!

Everybody is a Web Designer

So why is it that people go to a professional car mechanic to get their car fixed ? And they go to a dentist for their teeth ? They call a plumber for plumbing issues and electricians to handle electrical issues, etc. ? Well, because it makes sense to call a professional if you want the job done right.
So then what is it about web design and development that brings in the receptionist, the chief engineer, the sales manager, the bosses son, daughter, wife and sometimes even the dog ? And speaking of dog … that's exactly what a website done by these "professionals" will be !!!
But, and here's the funny part, regularly when I call a company to discuss giving their dog of a website an overhaul I get: "The website really hasn't worked for us so we're not going to spend any more more on it". 
Yeah really, d'ya think – it didn't work? So what am I trying to get at ? Folks, if you want professional results, hire a professional (preferrably CanadaWeb Inc. for best results)

The relentless marketing engine...

Your website is a very valuable business tool but a website is NOT an internet presence but rather just a part of it.  Success is not guaranteed just because your company is "online".  Web marketing, promotion and other online features such as Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, etc are an essential aspect of a successful internet presence.

You may already have a great website and with professional marketing and promotion of your internet presence your target market will be able to find you.  CanadaWeb Inc. ( has developed substantial expertise in marketing and promotion techniques to make your online business a success.

Finding your target market and hitting it with a bull's-eye combination of our web marketing strategies and programs will build awareness, increase visibility, and drive qualified traffic to your website.

Food for thought : Many companies aren't interested in marketing until times are tough.  So the time to start is now and not when you can't afford it.